Verge Apartments October Update

Verge Apartments For Verge Apartment’s substructure, the final Rock Anchor footing was poured on the East Building. We’re set to now pour retaining wall foundations, with block walls also starting to take shape over the next few weeks. The keystone wall between the buildings is over 50% completed, and the remaining works are progressing nicely.…

Parry Terraces October Update

Parry Terraces A lot is always happening across Parry Terraces, and this last month was no exception. We have started installing external pine weatherboard cladding on Block 1 and are about 30% through the process. On Block 1 and 2 homes, the channels and battens for the click-to-brick system are currently being installed. Our meticulous…

Parry Terraces September Update

Parry Terraces ROOFING AND GIB FIXING The team at Parry Road have been making steady progress this month, all in the face of poor conditions. All of the blocks superstructure’s are now complete, and all PLT’s for the flooring and roofing have been successfully installed. For the roofing, Block 3 has had all of its…

Verge Apartments September Update

Verge Apartments CARPARKS AND PATIOS Crews on the Verge Apartments site have kept making progress all month, even in the face of bad weather, with a lot of work happening on ground level. A key retaining wall between the two buildings has been the main focus, as once completed, work can begin on car parks…

Mountain Vista Estate September Update

Mountain Vista Estate INSTILLATION AND CIVIL WORKS A lot has happened on site at Walmsley Road, even if inclement weather kept us off the tools for a few days. In fact, we were recently able to open a new access-way onto the site, making the management of onsite logistics easier. Several parts of the civil…

Mountain Vista Estate June Update

Mountain Vista Estate UNDER SLAB WORKS FOR MOUNTAIN VISTA ESTATE HAVE BEGUN! Huge progress has been made on Mountain Vista Estate and under slab works are now underway for Stage 1. We are focusing on laying down all conduits to protect your home’s electrical wiring. We are now digging all the service trenches for Stage…

Parry Terraces June Update

Parry Terraces PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL PRE-WIRING IS BEING INSTALLED IN PARRY TERRACES Construction is advancing quickly on our incredible Parry Terraces development with plumbing installation nearing completion on the first three blocks. It will be amazing to hear freshwater running through these houses very soon. In exciting news, Block 1 roofing is complete, and we…

Rātā Terraces June Update

Rātā Terraces WE ARE THRILLED TO HAVE LODGED STAGE 2 TITLES WITH LINZ Our development team have just lodged for Titles for Stage 2 of Rātā Terraces, the uplift of titles will be the last step before calling for Settlement. We are excited to announce that we have just received our Code of Compliance Certificate…

Parry Terraces July Update

Parry Terraces CIVIL WORKS AND PUBLIC ACCESS ROUTES ON PARRY TERRACES ARE NEAR COMPLETION Our construction team are rapidly progressing with the first round of electrical cabling and plumbing installation. The GIB board has arrived on site, and will be installed as soon as the roofing is complete. This will provide your home with extra…

Mountain Vista Estate May Update

Mountain Vista Estate THE BUILDING CONSENT FOR THE APARTMENT BLOCK AND COMMUNITY CENTRE HAS BEEN LODGED WITH COUNCIL We are happy to inform purchasers that all the stormwater and wastewater drainage connections to the houses in Stage 1 have been fitted. While we are preparing the building platforms for Stage 1, our awesome team have…